Public Records Request

Public Records in Evergreen Public Schools

As a public institution, Evergreen Public Schools is committed to transparency and making records available for public review, as required by the state of Washington's Public Records Act (42.56 RCW) and the district's Public Access to District Records Policy (No. 4040)

Request a Public Record

To request a public record, send an email to:

Tamara Coffler, Public Records Officer
(360) 604-4049

You can also use the Public Request Form on this page. The form is fillable on a computer or smartphone if opened with Adobe Acrobat or other PDF programs, or can be printed and filled out by hand. Information on where to turn in the request is on the second page of the form.

Costs: Information on fees for public records can be found in Administrative Procedure 4040P.

Public Records Request Form.pdf

Student Transcripts

Requests for student transcripts, which are not considered public records, should be made through the EPS Student Records Center. Information can be found on the Student Records webpage.