Emergency Procedures
Evergreen Public Schools has a detailed plan for responding to an emergency or disaster situation while school is in session. This includes human-caused emergencies, or natural disasters. Should a major earthquake or other emergency occur during school hours, students will be cared for at the school until a parent can pick them up, or until it is safe to transport students to their homes by school district transportation.
During any emergency:
DO NOT go to the school. Keep streets open for emergency personnel.
Parents are encouraged to sign up for a service called Flash Alert, which is the same service that the district uses to notify media of any school closures or late starts. This service allows parents to receive an email and/or text message of school closures, late starts and press releases, at the same time the information is sent to the media. It is the fastest way to receive information, especially for inclement weather. Please CLICK HERE to sign up now. This service is provided free of charge and is completely private.
In the event of a serious emergency or disaster, students will be kept at their schools. Parents will be given instructions via SchoolMessenger/email, FlashAlert, local radio and television stations. When it is safe and if it becomes necessary for you to pick up your child, parents, or a responsible adult who has been identified on the “School Emergency Information Card,” may pick up students. It is imperative that student/parent reunion procedures are followed. Look for signs marked "Student/Parent Reunification" to be reunited with your child. Please consider the following criteria when authorizing another person on the card to pick up a child at school:
They are 18 years of age or older.
They are usually home during the school day.
They could walk to school if necessary.
They are known to your child.
They are both aware and able to assume the responsibility.
Should a natural disaster occur each school in the district has emergency water and nutrition supplies to support children until family arrives.
Should your child’s school experience an earthquake, fire, or lockdown:
DO NOT call the school or district office (keep working lines open for emergency personnel).
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO TO YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL until it is safe to do so.
Listen to the radio for street and road conditions.
DO tune your radio and TV to local stations.