Superintendent Search

The Evergreen Pubic Schools Board of Directors is leading a search to hire the district's next superintendent. Information and documents will be posted on this page during the process. 

March 18, 2025 Board Meeting

Dr. Christine Moloney Named Permanent Superintendent

By a 5-0 vote, the Board of Directors selected Dr. Christine Moloney as the permanent Superintendent of Evergreen Public Schools at its meeting on Tuesday, March 18. 

📅 Timeline for Finalists 

✔️ Wednesday, March 12: Panel interviews with district groups, including administrators, students and labor partners, morning and afternoon

✔️ Wednesday, March 12: Community Meet & Greet, 5:30 to 7 p.m., at Administrative Service Center

✔️ Thursday, March 13: Board interviews, deliberation in Board of Directors executive session

✔️ Tuesday, March 18: Anticipated announcement of next Superintendent of Evergreen Public Schools

✔️ Tuesday, July 1: New superintendent starts job

February 25, 2025 Board Meeting

At its meeting, the Board of Directors announced the two finalists for the Superintendent position of Evergreen Public Schools:

Dr. Christine Moloney

She is currently serving as the EPS interim superintendent, a role she has filled since July 2, 2024. Before coming to EPS, Dr. Moloney served as the superintendent for the Chehalis School District for four years. She has held multiple positions in schools and districts, including teacher, assistant principal, principal, and chief academic officer. In addition to Chehalis, she has worked in the Puyallup, Bethel, and Franklin Pierce school districts. 

See biography provided by candidate

Dr. Christina Kishimoto

She served as superintendent of the Hawaii State Department of Education, leading the only statewide public school system in the nation, from 2017 to 2021. Dr. Kishimoto has also served as superintendent for Arizona's Gilbert Public Schools and Connecticut's Hartford Public Schools. A Vancouver resident, she is the founder and CEO of Voice4Equity, which advocates for women and leaders of color, and also serves as a professor of Clinical Education for the University of Southern California. 

See biography provided by candidate

🗨️ Meet the Finalists

✔️ What: Community Meet & Greet with Drs. Moloney and Kishimoto

✔️ When: Wednesday, March 12, 5:30 to 7 p.m.

✔️ Where: Board Room, Administrative Service Center (13413 NE LeRoy Haagen Memorial Drive)

✔️ Opportunity: Chat with and ask questions of the candidates, and give feedback about them to the Board of Directors

✔️ Translation: Available for Spanish and Russian

December 10, 2024 Board Meeting

The Board of Directors, at its regular meeting on December 10, approved a list of criteria for candidates for the permanent superintendent position. The Board also approved a salary range for the job. With these moves, Human Capital Enterprises, the firm that is guiding the search, opened the application process. 

December 3, 2024 Board Workshop

The Board of Directors meet virtually with search firm Human Capital Enterprises to refine the list of qualities they are seeking in the next superintendent, using feedback taken from 13 focus groups throughout the district. The group also discussed the parameters of a salary scale and the platforms they could use to advertise the position. A recording of the Zoom meeting can be viewed  by clicking the play button to the right.

October 22, 2024 Focus Groups Update

Starting later this week (October 22, 2024), Human Capital Enterprises (HCE), the firm the Board of Directors hired to support the superintendent search, will facilitate focus groups with students, families, staff and community members. HCE will conduct 13 focus groups. Each group will have 6 to 8 participants. The focus groups will include:

Feedback from the focus groups, as well as from a survey conducted by HCE last spring will support the HCE team in working with the Board to develop EPS’s “Next Superintendent Criteria,” and to reflect and promote the district while supporting regional and national recruiting on this search. The focus group process will conclude in mid-November.

August 27, 2024 Board Selects Search Firm

The Board of Directors, at its August 27 meeting, selected Human Capital Enterprises as the search firm for Evergreen Public Schools next superintendent. By a 3-1 vote, the Board chose Human Capital and will now negotiate terms on a contract for the search process. Watch the Board's discussion and vote by clicking the play button to the right.

Human Capital previously served as the search firm that helped  EPS hire Dr. Christine Moloney as interim superintendent for the 2024-25 school year. The firm's August presentation to the Board is available below.

Board Vote for Search Superintendent Search Firm.mp4

August 13, 2024 Search Firm Presentations

At the August 13 Board of Directors meeting, two agencies gave presentations of their proposals to serve as the search firm for EPS's effort to hire a permanent superintendent. Below is the video of their presentations, along with the slideshows they used.

Board Meeting Presentation

Superintendent Search Firm Presentations.mp4

Human Capital Enterprises

Human Capital Enterprises EPS Presentation August 13, 2024.pdf

McPherson & Jacobson

McPherson & Jacobson, LLC EPS Presentation August 13, 2024.pdf

Dr. Christine Moloney Named Interim Superintendent for 2024-25 School Year

The EPS Board of Directors approved a contract at its Tuesday Special  Meeting to hire Dr. Moloney, who comes from the Chehalis School District, where she was superintendent the last four years.

Meet Dr. Christine Moloney, Interim Superintendent In this video, host Craig Birnbach chats with Dr. Christine Moloney, who will serve as interim superintendent of Evergreen Public Schools in the 2024-25 school year. Dr. Moloney talks about how she started in education, her entry plan into EPS, and how she and her family are dedicated dog owners. 

July 2, 2024 Special Board of Directors Meeting.  Dr. Christine Moloney is hired as Interim Superintendent for the 2024-25 school year. 

June 10, 2024 Message from Board President on Interim Superintendent Search

Dear Evergreen Community,

This week, the Board of Portland Public Schools announced the appointment of Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong, our current Deputy Superintendent, to become their next permanent Superintendent, effective July 1. As a Board, we’ve appreciated the focused compassion she brought to her work in the service of students and their families. We thank her for that service and wish her all the best in Portland. Together with Superintendent Boyd, they have laid the strongest possible foundation for their successors to build upon.

The Board is on track to appoint an Interim Superintendent in early July. Following the June 11 Board meeting, the Board will meet in executive session to review a list of 20 applicants and select candidates for an interview. Interviews will take place in executive session in the latter part of June, anticipating an early July start date for the new Interim Superintendent.

Thank you for the candor and sincerity in your responses to the Human Capital Enterprises community survey. The results show a common desire for an Interim Superintendent with skills in conflict resolution, communication, fiscal management, instructional leadership, and engagement, focused on the best outcomes for our students. These values align with the Board’s and give us confidence that the Interim Superintendent will have the support needed to successfully serve.

We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and continued progress for Evergreen Public Schools. Your ongoing support and engagement are vital as we move forward together. We look forward to working with the new Interim Superintendent to address our challenges and build on our successes for the benefit of all students.


Rob Perkins
President, Board of Directors
Evergreen Public Schools


Estimada comunidad de Evergreen,

Esta semana, la Junta Directiva de las Escuelas Públicas de Portland anunció que la doctora Kimberlee Armstrong, nuestra actual superintendente delegada, se convertirá en su próxima superintendente permanente a partir del 1 de julio. Apreciamos la compasión y enfoque que aportó al servicio de los estudiantes y sus familias. Estamos agradecidos y le deseamos lo mejor. Ella, junto con el superintendente Boyd, han sentado bases sólidas para sus sucesores.

La Junta Directiva está en proceso de nombrar al superintendente interino a principios de julio. Después de la reunión del 11 de junio, la Junta Directiva se reunirá en una sesión ejecutiva para revisar la lista de 20 solicitantes y seleccionar candidatos para una entrevista. Las entrevistas se llevarán a cabo en una sesión ejecutiva a finales de junio, anticipando una fecha de inicio a principios de julio para el nuevo superintendente interino.

Gracias por su franqueza y sinceridad a las respuestas de la encuesta comunitaria de Human Capital Enterprises. Los resultados muestran el interés común de contar con un superintendente interino con habilidades de resolución de conflictos, comunicación, gestión fiscal, liderazgo educativo, participación, y un enfoque en los mejores resultados para nuestros estudiantes. Estos valores se alinean con los de la Junta Directiva y nos dan confianza de que el superintendente tendrá el apoyo necesario para servir con éxito.

Estamos comprometidos a garantizar una transición sin problemas y un progreso continuo para EPS. Su apoyo y compromiso continuos son vitales a medida que avanzamos juntos. Estamos a la expectativa de trabajar con el nuevo superintendente interino para abordar los desafíos y aprovechar nuestros éxitos para el beneficio de todos los alumnos.


Rob Perkins
Presidente, Junta Directiva
Escuelas Públicas Evergreen


Уважаемое сообщество школьного округа Эвергрин,

На этой неделе Совет директоров государственных школ Портленда объявил о назначении с 1 июля.доктора наук Кимберли Армстронг, нынешнего заместителя нашего суперинтенданта, своим следующим суперинтендантом. Мы, челены Совета, ценим ее сосредоточенность на милосердии, которое она привнесла в наш округ, на благо учащихся  и их семей. Мы благодарим ее за проделанную работу и желаем ей всего наилучшего в Портленде. Вместе с суперинтендантом Бойдом они заложили прочный фундамент для своих преемников.

Совет директоров планирует назначить временного суперинтенданта для нашего школьного округа в начале июля. После заседания членов Совета 11 июня будет проведена исполнительская сессия, на которой будет рассмотрен список из 20 кандидатов и выбраны претенденты для собеседования. Собеседования пройдут на исполнительной сессии во второй половине июня, что позволит новому временному суперинтенданту приступить к работе в начале июля.

Благодарим вас за откровенность и искренность в ответах на опрос, проведенный организацией Human Capital Enterprises. Результаты показывают общее желание иметь временного суперинтенданта, обладающего навыками урегулирования конфликтов, коммуникации, финансового управления, руководства учебным процессом и вовлеченности, нацеленного на достижение наилучших результатов для наших учащихся. Эти ценности совпадают с ценностями Совета директоров и мы уверены, что временный суперинтендант получит поддержку, необходимую для успешной работы.

Мы стремимся обеспечить плавный переход и непрерывный прогресс государственных школ округа Эвергрин. Ваша постоянная поддержка и участие жизненно важны для нашего совместного движения вперед. Мы с нетерпением ожидаем совместной работы с новым временным суперинтендантом в решении наших проблем и развитии успехов на благо всех учащихся.


Роб Перкинс
Президент Совета директоров
Государственных школ округа Эвергрин

June 3, 2024 Update on Interim Superintendent Search 

The survey for the Interim Superintendent process has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Our search firm, Human Capital Enterprises, shared results with the Board of Directors. Applications for the position closed on Wednesday, June 5.

The Board will review the applications in a closed-door executive session on Tuesday, June 11 following their regular Board meeting. Candidates selected for interviews will meet with the Board virtually on June 20 and 24. 

May 14, 2024 Board Meeting

Board Discussion on Superintendent Search

Slideshow on Search Firms for Interim Superintendent 

Superintendent Search Presentation.pdf

April 23, 2024 School Board Community Letter

Dear Evergreen Community,


On Monday, April 22, our Board of Directors held a special meeting to discuss the upcoming retirement of Superintendent Boyd on June 28th. Director Weatherspoon and I, as Vice-President and President of the Board, have been tasked with outlining the process to choose our next superintendent.


During the meeting, we discussed the qualities and values important to us as we set up this process. Over the next few days, Director Weatherspoon and I will consult with experts and colleagues in Washington and Oregon who have experience in hiring superintendents. We aim to bring our recommendations to the Board in or before the next regular meeting on May 14th. This meeting will also be an opportunity for the public to share their thoughts.


Evergreen is committed to equity and excellence, and we believe our selection process should reflect our community's shared values, focusing on what our students need and aspire to achieve. We want to ensure that everyone has a chance to share their views and contribute to this important decision.


Thank you to everyone who has already shared their advice by email since we announced the retirement. We encourage everyone to keep sending their thoughts and comments to Each Board member will receive a copy of emails sent to that address.


Thank you for your attention and participation.



Rob Perkins

President, Board of Directors

Evergreen Public Schools

April 22, 2024 Special Board of Directors Meeting to discuss superintendent search process and next steps.